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Techknowskola – an integrated platform dedicated solely to technology and knowing how to use the technology to its full potential. Our framework is not only based on the principles of STEAM but the 21st-century skills set therefore providing an Inter-disciplinary educational approach that aims to inculcate a DIY mindset, concurrently learning the 4Cs of the 21st-century skillsets.

Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration and Communication. Thus igniting an everlasting interest /impact on how to learn, how to ask questions, how to experiment and how to create

we aspire to facilitate learning environments that are relevant, holistic, dynamic, student-centred and fluid as these are vital for a student’s development Such an environment not only contributes towards the success of a student but prepares them for life.

Teaching relevant, in-demand skills is the need of the hour in this rapidly evolving workforce & society to prepare students to become future innovators which empowers them further to become job creators.


Teacher's Training

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