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Blue to Cream Gradient

8×8 LED Matrix MAX7219 Tutorial with Scrolling Text & Android Control via Bluetooth

Blue to Cream Gradient

Interfacing GPS with Arduino (Neo-6M-001)

In this tutorial we will learn how to use a GPS Module with Arduino. Neo 6M (Ublox NEO6MV2) is a I2C compliant GPS module. This post discusses details on wiring Ublox Neo 6M with Arduino or an USB to Serial/TTL adapter, basic interactions with module using serial communication, using u -center GUI in visualizations, as well as using TinyGPS library to extract fine grained results from the module output.

Blue to Cream Gradient

Analog Joystick Interfacing with Arduino UNO.

In this tutorial we will learn how to interface an Analog Joystick with the Arduino Uno and checking the values on the Serial Monitor.

Blue to Cream Gradient

Interfacing of MQ2 (gas) sensor with Arduino Uno.

In this tutorial we will learn how to interface a MQ2 (gas) Sensor with the Arduino Uno

Blue to Cream Gradient

Interfacing of LDR Sensor Module with Arduino Uno.

In this tutorial we will learn how to interface a LDR sensor Module with the Arduino Uno.

Blue to Cream Gradient

Interfacing of RFID Module with Arduino Uno.

In this tutorial we will learn how to interface a RFID module with the Arduino Uno.

Blue to Cream Gradient

Measuring Distance using Ultrasonic Sensor with Arduino

In this project we will learn the basics of how to measure distance using an ultrasonic sensor with an Arduino, which further can be used for controlling other parameters of a robot or many other applications.

Blue to Cream Gradient

Measuring Humidity and temperature using DHT11 sensor with Arduino.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use a DHT (DHT11 version) Temperature and Humidity Sensor. It’s accurate enough for most projects that need to keep track of humidity and temperature readings. We will be using a Library specifically designed for these sensors that will make our code short and easy to write.

Blue to Cream Gradient

4*4 Keypad Interfacing with Arduino UNO.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to interface a 4*4 Keypad with the Arduino Uno and check the values on the Serial Monitor.

Blue to Cream Gradient

Interfacing of Touch Sensor with Arduino Uno.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to interface a Touch Sensor with the Arduino Uno.

Blue to Cream Gradient

Interfacing of Pulse Rate Sensor with Arduino Uno.

In this tutorial we will learn how to interface a Pulse Rate Sensor with the Arduino Uno.

Blue to Cream Gradient

Finding an obstacle using IR Sensor with Arduino

In this project we will learn the basics of how to find for an obstacle using an Infrared sensor with an Arduino, which further can be used for controlling other parameters of a robot and many other applications too.

Blue to Cream Gradient

Interfacing of Force Pressure Sensor with Arduino Uno.

In this tutorial we will learn how to interface a Force Pressure Sensor with the Arduino Uno.

Blue to Cream Gradient

Displaying a text message on LCD Display using 16X2 Segment Display with Arduino.

: In this tutorial we will learn how to interface a 16×2 LCD (liquid crystal display) with the Arduino Uno.

Blue to Cream Gradient

Interfacing of Metal Touch Sensor with Arduino.

In this tutorial we will learn how to interface a Metal Touch Sensor with the Arduino

Blue to Cream Gradient

Interfacing with MQ-3 Alcohol Sensor Module

Blue to Cream Gradient

Interfacing of 28BYJ Stepper Driver with Arduino.

In this tutorial we will learn how to interface a Flex Sensor with the Arduino Uno.

Blue to Cream Gradient

Interfacing of Buzzer with Arduino Uno.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to interface a Buzzer with the Arduino Uno.

Blue to Cream Gradient

Interfacing of 4 Digit Segment Display with Arduino Uno.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to interface a 4-digit segment display with the Arduino Uno.

Blue to Cream Gradient

Interfacing 2 Channel Relay Module with Arduino and control High Voltage AC (current).

In this tutorial, we will learn how to interface a 2 channel relay module with the Arduino Uno.

Blue to Cream Gradient

Measuring water flow rate and calculating quantity using Flow Sensor with Arduino.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use a water flow sensor with Arduino. We will use the serial monitor for printing the water flow rate in liters per hour and the total of liters flowing since starting. So, let's get started!

Blue to Cream Gradient

Interfacing of GSM 800 L Modules with Arduino.

In this tutorial we will learn how to interface GSM 800L Module with the Arduino Uno.

Blue to Cream Gradient

Bluetooth Controlled Car Using Arduino Uno.

This project shows how you can build a car which can be controlled by your Smartphone using an android application via Bluetooth.

Blue to Cream Gradient

Interfacing of Laser Diode with Arduino Uno.

In this tutorial we will learn how to interface a Laser Diode with the Arduino Uno.

Blue to Cream Gradient

Interfacing of Temperature Sensor (LM35) with Arduino Uno.

In this tutorial we will learn how to interface a Temperature Sensor with the Arduino Uno.

Blue to Cream Gradient

Motion Detection using PIR Sensor with Arduino

In this Arduino Tutorial we will learn how a PIR Sensor works and how to use it with the Arduino Board for detecting motion.

Blue to Cream Gradient

Interfacing of Sound sensor with Arduino Uno.

In this tutorial we will learn how to interface a Sound Sensor with the Arduino Uno.

Blue to Cream Gradient

Interfacing Colour Sensor with Arduino (TCS3200)

: In this tutorial, we will learn how to use a colour sensor with Arduino. We will use the serial monitor for printing the colour values. So let's get started! This sensor is used for detecting primary colours (red, green and blue, or RGB)—colours that are physically available in LEDs in one package; for example, common cathode or common-cathode RGB LED. We can display primary colours and also generate specific colours by modifying the Arduino code.

Blue to Cream Gradient

Character Displaying using 8X8 LED Matrix MAX7219 with Arduino Uno

In this Arduino project we will learn how to control 8×8 LED Matrix using the MAX7219 driver and the Arduino board.

Blue to Cream Gradient

Measuring soil moisture using Soil Moisture Sensor with Arduino (Y-38)

In this tutorial, we will learn how to read soil moisture data using Analog Soil Moisture Sensor on the Arduino Platform. We are reading data from Analog Moisture Sensor, so we will get readings in the range 0 to 1023. Lesser the value means lesser the moisture in the soil.

Blue to Cream Gradient

Interfacing of Rain Drop Sensor with Arduino Uno.

In this tutorial we will learn how to interface a Rain Drop Sensor with the Arduino Uno.

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