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Free Resources


Techknowskola respects intellectual property rights and does not intend to infringe on any copyrights. The resources shared here are either created by Techknowskola or sourced from reputable providers. Any views or opinions expressed in these resources are solely for educational and informational purposes and do not reflect the official stance of Techknowskola."

ATL Guidelines and Important Information

Revised Grant-in-Aid Fund Utilization Guideline for ATL schools (w.e.f. FY 22-23)

ATL Handbook 1.0

ATL equipment list - Batch of 90

Grant-in-Aid Fund Utilization Guidelines

ATL Banner and Posters (Print Media)

ATL Orientation Brochure

ATL equipment list - Batch of 60

ATL Operational Manual

ATL Handbook 2.0

ATL Branding Guidelines

Procurement Guidelines

ATL Application Guidelines

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